Young People Programme


Founded in 2015, the Canon Young People Programme (CYPP) has worked with NGOs in over 34 different countries across EMEA, running educational storytelling workshops around sustainability for more than 8,500 young people aged 08-27.

Ghana – Dikan Center

In September 2023, Canon partnered with Ghana's Dikan Center for the Young People Programme, aiming to empower creative youth to address sustainability issues through storytelling.

Congo – Lens on Life

Canon partnered with Lens on Life to empower vulnerable youth in Congo through photography, addressing global challenges. The initiative centered on Sustainable Development Goals, offering students artistic development and mentorship support.

Kenya – Wild Shots Outreach​

In March 2022, the Young People Programme (YPP) organized its first workshop in Kenya at the Lewa Game Reserve refugee camp in partnership with Wild Shots Outreach, offering youth valuable growth opportunities.

Libya –UN Women​​

In January 2022, Canon EMEA partnered with UN Women in the 'Libyan Woman and Youth Civil Society Organizations at the Forefront of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology' initiative, focusing on equipping Libyan women and youth with digital and technological skills.

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Youth for SDGs: Unleashing Visual Stories for Change

Our Young People Programme enables the youth to create visual stories on issues related to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

Youth for SDGs

Canon Young People Programme
2023 Year in Review

The mission of the Canon Young People Programme is to inspire, educate and empower the next generation of storytellers. It offers a means and platform for self-expression through skills-building workshops, which we co-design in partnership with NGOs and schools. This report shares programme highlights from activity across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, where we worked with over 1,500 young people across 33 countries delivering more than 400 workshops. Empowering storytellers through the Programme is the very embodiment of kyosei, our corporate philosophy, which means ‘living and working together for the common good’.

Explore further


We’re educating future professionals across Africa.


Learn about the environmental benefits of our inkjet technology.

Reducing environmental impact

Find out how we’re reducing environmental impact

Watch our vision film

We’re picturing a sustainable future

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