This partnership aims to equip young individuals with the skills and tools they need to excel in a rapidly evolving world. Through immersive workshops and training sessions, students delve into the technical aspects of photography and filmmaking while exploring their creativity, expressing their narratives, and envisioning a future rich with opportunities. For many participants, this programme is an opportunity for personal and professional growth.
One student shared, "The programme came into my life as a beacon of hope, providing the support I needed to pursue my education." This sentiment resonates among the group, with many expressing gratitude for the transformative impact of the programme. The programme begins with an intensive photography training workshop enabling the students to get hands on and master manual to be able to creatively control the camera and create beautifully well thought out and exposed images.
They then progress onto a filmmaking workshop where they learn how to shoot scenes. construct their own films and filmmaking techniques to advance their productions, before being set an assignment to execute and shoot their own films. Another participant noted, "This programme and the doors it has opened for me have reshaped my life." From mastering camera techniques to crafting compelling visual stories, each participant emerges not just as a skilled photographer or filmmaker, but also as a catalyst for positive change in their community.
Beyond artistic and personal development, this programme also creates pathways to employment in the photography and film industry. Participants gain the skills and confidence to pursue careers in photography, filmmaking, and related fields, opening up new avenues for personal and professional success.